Build a product landing page that converts, Look best ways

Looking to build a product landing page that is effective and converts? Look no further! In this guide, we will show you how to build a product landing page that is both effective and converts well. We will cover everything from choosing a template to creating effective copy. By the end of this guide, you will have everything you need to build an effective product landing page. Let’s get started!

.Meet with Best platform to create a landing page
  1. Swipe Pages : Best platform to create a landing page
  2. Landing Page Hot Tips   :
  3. WebSmith.Digital Website and Landing Page Builder
  4. Landing Page Template for Figma:    
  5. Landing Page Builder for Notion:

build a product landing page

Build a product landing page

You have a great product. You’ve put in the hard work and it shows. People are talking about it and you’re getting some traction. But you’re not seeing the sales you want. Why?

It could be that your product landing page is not up to par.

A product landing page is one of the most important aspects of your online sales strategy. It is the first impression potential customers will have of your product. And first impressions are everything.

So what makes a great product landing page?

There are a few key elements:

A strong headline that tells visitors what your product is and why they need it

Beautiful, high-quality photos or videos that show off your product in all its glory

Compelling copy that highlights the features and benefits of your product

An unambiguous call-to-action (CTA) that makes it apparent to visitors what they should do next

If your product landing page is missing any of these elements, it’s time to make some changes.

Let’s take a closer look at each one.

A strong headline is essential to grab attention and tell visitors what your product is and why they need it. Your headline needs to be precise, short, and to the point.

Beautiful photos or videos are a must-have on any product landing page. People are visual creatures and high-quality visuals will help them better understand your product and what it can do for them.

Compelling copy is important to highlight the features and benefits of your product. But beware of going overboard. too much text can be overwhelming and turn people off. Be succinct, direct, and to the point.

A clear CTA is vital to tell visitors what you want them to do next. Whether it’s “Buy Now,” “Sign Up,” or “Learn More,” your CTA should be clear and easy to understand.

If your product landing page is missing any of these key elements, make the necessary changes and see how it impacts your sales.

.Meet with Best platform to create a landing page
  1. Swipe Pages
  2. Landing Page Hot Tips  
  3. WebSmith.Digital Website and Landing Page Builder 
  4. Landing Page Template for Figma
  5. Landing Page Builder for Notion

10 steps for build a product landing page : Build a product landing page

1. Know the aim of your landing page : Build a product landing page

In order to collect information from website visitors, a landing page can be used, such as a survey or a contact form. The purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors into leads, and the information you collect can be used to follow up with the visitor at a later time.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a landing page:
  1. The headline and subheadline should be clear and concise, and explain what the visitor will get by filling out the form.
  2. The form should be short and to the point, and only ask for the information you need.
  3. The page should have a strong call-to-action, telling the visitor what to do next.
  4. The page should be mobile-friendly, as more and more people are using their phones and tablets to browse the web.
  5. The page should be tested before it goes live, to make sure everything is working correctly.

By following these tips, you can create a landing page that will help you convert more visitors into leads.

Build a product landing page

2. Write an attention-grabbing heading : Build a product landing page

Visitors to your landing page will first encounter your copy in the heading. A catchy headline that makes readers curious about your product is essential if you want to keep them on your site.The headline should also be clear and specific, so that visitors know exactly what you are offering. The headline is also a good place to use keywords that your potential customers are searching for so that your page can be found more easily in search engines.

The headline should be placed in an easily visible spot on your landing page so that visitors will see it right away. The headline should be the largest piece of text on the page and should be written in a font that is easy to read.

The headline should be followed by a short paragraph that explains what your product is and what it can do for your customers. This paragraph should be clear and concise so that visitors can quickly understand what your product is and why they should buy it.

The next section of your landing page should include some customer testimonials. Customer testimonials are a great way to show potential customers that your product is effective and that it has helped other people. If you can, try to include a customer testimonial from a well-known person or company.

The last section of your landing page should include a call to action. The call to action should be clear and concise so that visitors know exactly what you want them to do. The call to action should also be placed in an easily visible spot on your landing page so that visitors will see it right away.

Your landing page should be designed to be easy to navigate so that visitors can find the information they are looking for quickly and easily. The layout of your landing page should be simple and straightforward so that visitors can find the information they need without having to scroll through long paragraphs of text.

Your landing page should also be designed to be visually appealing. The colors and images you use on your landing page should be eye-catching and should make visitors want to stay on your page.

When designing your landing page, it is important to keep in mind that people will be visiting your page from a variety of different devices. Your landing page should be designed to be viewable on all types of devices so that visitors can view it on their computer, tablet, or phone.

It is also important to remember that people will be visiting your landing page from a variety of different locations. Your landing page should be designed to be viewable from anywhere in the world so that visitors can view it on their computer, tablet, or phone.

When designing your landing page, it is important to keep in mind that people will be visiting your page from a variety of different browsers. Your landing page should be designed to be viewable in all major browsers so that visitors can view it on their computer, tablet, or phone.

When designing your landing page, it is important to keep in mind that people will be visiting your page from a variety of different countries. Your landing page should be designed to be viewable in all major countries so that visitors can view it on their computer, tablet, or phone.

When designing your landing page, it is important to keep in mind that people will be visiting your page from a variety of different time zones. Your landing page should be designed to be viewable in all major time zones so that visitors can view it on their computer, tablet, or phone.

3. Stick to your brand voice : Build a product landing page

Your landing page copy should employ the same brand voice as the rest of your website and social media outlets.

Additionally, you can inject some individuality into your landing pages and reflect the brand’s voice. But be careful not to overdo it and come out as rude.

Your landing page copy should match the tone used throughout your site and social media channels.

This can make your brand seem more trustworthy and genuine, making it more likely that visitors will stay on your page longer, and maybe even convert.

Use your brand’s voice throughout your website, social media channels and landing page to come across as trustworthy.

1. Write persuasive headlines

Persuasive headlines are important because they grab the attention of your audience and encourage them to stay on the page long enough to read what else you have to say.

Your headlines should be clear, concise and to the point. You want your readers to know exactly what your page is about.

You also want to make sure that your headlines are interesting and engaging enough to keep readers engaged with your content.

Your headlines should be clear, concise and engaging.

One of the best ways to create headlines that are both clear and engaging is to use numbers and statistics.

Numbers and statistics can help to show your audience the value of your content and encourage them to stay on the page to learn more.

Use numbers and statistics in your headlines to show your audience the value of your content.

2. Use persuasive subheadings

Your subheadings are just as important as your headlines.

Your subheadings should be clear and concise, but they should also be interesting enough to keep readers engaged with your content.

Just like your headlines, using numbers and statistics in your subheadings can help to show your audience the value of your content and encourage them to stay on the page.

Use persuasive subheadings to keep your readers engaged with your content.

3. Use strong calls to action

A strong call to action is important because it tells your readers what you want them to do next.

Your call to action should be clear and to the point. You want your readers to know exactly what you want them to do.

Your call to action should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to take action.

Your call to action should be clear and persuasive.

4. Use persuasive images

Images are important because they can help to break up your text and make your page more visually appealing.

Your images should be relevant to your content and help to illustrate your point.

Your images should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to stay on the page and take action.

Your images should be relevant and persuasive.

5. Use persuasive video

Video is a great way to engage your audience and keep them on your page.

Your video should be relevant to your content and help to illustrate your point.

Your video should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to stay on the page and take action.

Your video should be relevant and persuasive.

6. Use persuasive social proof

Social proof is a great way to show your audience that other people have found your content valuable.

You can use social proof in the form of testimonials, reviews and ratings.

You can also use social media to show your audience that other people are talking about your content.

Use social proof to show your audience that other people have found your content valuable.

7. Use persuasive testimonials

Testimonials are a great way to show your audience that other people have found your content valuable.

Your testimonials should be from real people and should be relevant to your content.

Your testimonials should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to stay on the page and take action.

Your testimonials should be from real people and persuasive.

8. Use persuasive reviews

Reviews are a great way to show your audience that other people have found your content valuable.

Your reviews should be from real people and should be relevant to your content.

Your reviews should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to stay on the page and take action.

Your reviews should be from real people and persuasive.

9. Use persuasive ratings

Ratings are a great way to show your audience that other people have found your content valuable.

Your ratings should be from real people and should be relevant to your content.

Your ratings should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to stay on the page and take action.

Your ratings should be from real people and persuasive.

10. Use persuasive social media

Social media is a great way to show your audience that other people are talking about your content.

You can use social media to share your content, to engage with your audience and to get people talking about your brand.

Use social media to show your audience that other people are talking about your content.

11. Use persuasive webinars

Webinars are a great way to engage your audience and keep them on your page.

Your webinars should be relevant to your content and help to illustrate your point.

Your webinars should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to stay on the page and take action.

Your webinars should be relevant and persuasive.

12. Use persuasive ebooks

Ebooks are a great way to engage your audience and keep them on your page.

Your ebooks should be relevant to your content and help to illustrate your point.

Your ebooks should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to stay on the page and take action.

Your ebooks should be relevant and persuasive.

13. Use persuasive infographics

Infographics are a great way to engage your audience and keep them on your page.

Your infographics should be relevant to your content and help to illustrate your point.

Your infographics should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to stay on the page and take action.

Your infographics should be relevant and persuasive.

14. Use persuasive free trials

Free trials are a great way to engage your audience and keep them on your page.

Your free trials should be relevant to your content and help to illustrate your point.

Your free trials should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to stay on the page and take action.

Your free trials should be relevant and persuasive.

15. Use persuasive case studies

Case studies are a great way to engage your audience and keep them on your page.

Your case studies should be relevant to your content and help to illustrate your point.

Your case studies should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to stay on the page and take action.

Your case studies should be relevant and persuasive.

16. Use persuasive interviews

Interviews are a great way to engage your audience and keep them on your page.

Your interviews should be relevant to your content and help to illustrate your point.

Your interviews should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to stay on the page and take action.

Your interviews should be relevant and persuasive.

17. Use persuasive courses

Courses are a great way to engage your audience and keep them on your page.

Your courses should be relevant to your content and help to illustrate your point.

Your courses should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to stay on the page and take action.

Your courses should be relevant and persuasive.

18. Use persuasive webinars

Webinars are a great way to engage your audience and keep them on your page.

Your webinars should be relevant to your content and help to illustrate your point.

Your webinars should also be persuasive enough to encourage your readers to stay on the page and take action.

Your webinars should be relevant and persuasive.

4. Keep the copy and design simple : Build a product landing page

Excellent design and aesthetics draw people in. You can keep more visitors on the page and get them to click through to your offer by making an attractive landing page.

Keep it simple and easy to skim; landing pages are designed to be brief stops on your website that assist in achieving a particular objective. Limit the number of images, text lines, and color palette changes.

Be sure to test your design before you publish it. Use Google Analytics to track your results and make changes as necessary.

1. Use an Engaging Headline

Your headline is the first thing people will see when they land on your page—so it’s important to make it as engaging as possible.

Use language that’s clear, concise and easy to understand. You want readers to know what you’re offering them right away.

Your headline should also be unique and stand out from the rest of the page. Use strong verbs and exciting adjectives to grab attention.

2. Write Compelling Copy

Your headline may be the first thing visitors see, but your copy is what will keep them on the page.

Be sure to write clear, concise copy that’s easy to read and understand. Use short sentences and simple language.

Your copy should also be compelling and convince visitors to take action. Use strong calls to action (CTAs) throughout the page to encourage visitors to click through to your offer.

Finally, be sure to proofread your copy before you publish it. Typos and grammatical errors can make your page look unprofessional and hurt your conversion rate.

3. Include a Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) is a button or link that encourages visitors to take a specific action, such as clicking through to your offer.

Your CTA should be placed prominently on your page so visitors can’t miss it. Use strong verbs, such as “download” or “sign up,” to encourage visitors to take action.

Your CTA should also be relevant to your offer. For example, if you’re offering a free ebook, your CTA might say “Download Now.”

4. Use Visual Elements

People are visual creatures and are more likely to remember information if it’s accompanied by an image.

Including images on your landing page can help break up your text and make your page more visually appealing. Be sure to use high-quality images that are relevant to your offer.

In addition to images, you can also use videos, infographics and other visual elements to make your page more engaging.

5. Keep It Short and Sweet

Your landing page should be short and sweet—you want visitors to be able to quickly scan the page and understand what you’re offering.

Avoid long blocks of text. Instead, use short paragraphs, bullet points and subheadings to break up your text and make it easier to read.

Including too much information on your landing page can also hurt your conversion rate. Visitors may feel overwhelmed by too much text and click away from the page.

6. Use Testimonials and Social Proof

People are more likely to trust a product or service if it’s been recommended by someone they know.

Including testimonials and social proof on your landing page can help build trust and credibility with visitors. Be sure to use testimonials that are relevant to your offer and include a photo of the person giving the testimonial.

Including social media buttons on your landing page can also help increase trust and credibility. Visitors can click on the buttons to see what other people are saying about your product or service.

7. Use a Lead Capture Form

A lead capture form is a form that visitors can fill out to sign up for your offer.

Including a lead capture form on your landing page is a great way to collect contact information from visitors. Be sure to keep your form short and sweet—you only want to ask for the information you need.

Including a lead capture form on your page can also help you segment your leads and track your results. Be sure to use a tool like Google Analytics to track the number of leads you’re generating from your landing page.

8. Include a Privacy Policy

Including a privacy policy on your landing page is a great way to build trust with visitors.

Your privacy policy should be clear and easy to understand. Be sure to include information on how you collect, use and protect personal information.

Including a privacy policy on your landing page can also help you comply with privacy laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

9. Test Your Page

Once you’ve created your landing page, it’s important to test it to make sure it’s working properly.

Use Google Analytics to track your page’s performance. Be sure to track your page’s bounce rate, conversion rate and other metrics.

You can also use tools like Crazy Egg to track how visitors are interacting with your page. These tools can help you identify areas of your page that need improvement.

Finally, be sure to test your page on different devices. Visitors may view your page on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Making sure your page looks great and works properly on all devices is crucial to keeping visitors on your page and converting them into leads.

5. Include a single clear CTA : Build a product landing page

Keep in mind the purpose of your landing page. Utilize your goal to create a CTA that exhorts readers to take the appropriate next steps.

Make sure that your CTA is obvious, succinct, and unambiguous. This is your opportunity to explicitly state what you want website visitors to accomplish.

To keep the landing page focused on your goal, only use one CTA. Include a functioning link to the next page and avoid sending users to many locations to make it simple for them to do so.

For more advice on how to create an effective CTA, read our guide on how to write a CTA that converts.

Include an element of urgency

When you’re writing your CTA, include an element of urgency in your copy.

Make sure the reader knows that this is a one-time opportunity and that they need to act now. Include a countdown timer to increase urgency and encourage your site visitors to take action.

For more tips on how to incorporate urgency into your CTA, read our blog post on how to add urgency to your CTA.

Include a form

Your CTA will likely be a form. Include a form on your landing page so that site visitors can enter their contact details and progress to the next page.

Include as few form fields as possible to make it easy for customers to fill out and submit. The more form fields you include, the more likely it is that site visitors will abandon the form.

For more advice on how to create a form for your landing page, read our blog post on how to create a form that converts.

Include testimonials

Including testimonials on your landing page can help increase trust and confidence in your brand.

Testimonials can be in the form of text, video, or a quote. Include a testimonial on your landing page that tells the story of a satisfied customer.

Make sure your testimonials are genuine and relevant to your brand. Avoid using generic testimonials that could apply to any brand.

For more tips on how to use testimonials on your landing page, read our blog post on how to use testimonials to increase conversions.

Include a video

Videos can be a powerful tool for driving conversions on your landing page.

Videos can help increase understanding of your product or service. They can also help build trust and confidence in your brand.

Include a video on your landing page that tells the story of your brand. Make sure your video is high quality and relevant to your target audience.

For more advice on how to use video on your landing page, read our blog post on how to use video to increase conversions.


Landing pages are a vital tool for driving conversions on your website.

When creating a landing page, make sure you have a clear aim. This will help you to create a focused page that is designed to convert.

Include a clear and concise CTA on your landing page. Make sure your CTA is easy to see and easy to follow.

Include an element of urgency in your CTA to encourage site visitors to take action. Include a form on your landing page so that customers can enter their contact details and progress to the next page.

Include testimonials and videos on your landing page to increase trust and confidence in your brand.

For more advice on how to create a landing page that converts, read our blog post on how to create a landing page that converts.

6. Consider including customer testimonials : Build a product landing page

A powerful technique to get more visitors to convert is by including social proof on your landing page. By including product reviews, you can demonstrate to prospective purchasers that your product has happy customers.

A good number of product reviews, especially those posted by verified buyers, can increase the conversion.

These reviews must be placed in an easily visible position.

1. Use Live Chat

A live chat feature is a powerful way of boosting engagement with your target audience.

The feature allows customers to engage with your website at the point of need.

Live chat offers a way of reducing the time taken to get answers to questions.

Customers are more likely to convert when they have access to a direct channel of communication.

2. Use an Exit Intent Pop-up

An exit intent pop-up is designed to capture the attention of visitors who are about to leave your website.

Exit intent pop-ups are shown at the point of leaving the website.

They are designed to encourage customers to stay on your website.

3. Use Free Shipment

Free shipment is an effective way of encouraging potential customers to convert.

Free shipment is much like a discount, but it only applies to shipping costs.

Offering free shipment is an effective way of encouraging customers to buy from your website.

4. Use a Free Trial

Free trials are an effective way of encouraging customers to buy your product.

Free trials give customers access to a product before they buy it.

This allows customers to test the product before they commit to buying it.

Free trials can also be used to encourage customers to buy a premium version of a product.

5. Use Urgency

Using a sense of urgency is a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

Urgency creates a feeling of necessity.

It encourages customers to buy a product before it runs out.

Urgency can be created by using messages like “limited stock” and “offer ends soon.”

6. Use Scarcity

Scarcity is a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

Scarcity is a sense of urgency created by limiting the availability of a product.

Scarcity encourages customers to buy a product before it runs out.

Scarcity can be created by using messages like “limited stock” and “offer ends soon.”

7. Use a Free Gift

Free gifts are a powerful way of encouraging potential customers to convert.

Free gifts are products that are given away for free when a customer buys a product.

Free gifts are a powerful way of encouraging customers to buy from your website.

7. Use Emotional Language

Emotional language is a powerful way of encouraging potential customers to convert.

Emotional language is designed to appeal to the emotions of customers.

Emotional language can be used to create a sense of urgency, fear, or desire.

8. Use an Offer

Offers are a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

Offers are discounts that are given to customers when they buy a product.

Offers are a powerful way of encouraging customers to buy from your website.

9. Use a Countdown Timer

Countdown timers are a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

Countdown timers create a sense of urgency.

Countdown timers encourage customers to buy a product before it runs out.

Countdown timers can be used to create a sense of urgency, fear, or desire.

10. Use a Referral Program

Referral programs are a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

Referral programs encourage customers to share your website with their friends.

Referral programs can be used to encourage customers to buy from your website.

11. Use an Incentive

Incentives are a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

Incentives are rewards that are given to customers when they buy a product.

Incentives are a powerful way of encouraging customers to buy from your website.

12. Use a Limited Time Offer

Limited time offers are a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

Limited time offers create a sense of urgency.

Limited time offers encourage customers to buy a product before it runs out.

13. Use a Money-back Guarantee

Money-back guarantees are a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

Money-back guarantees give customers a way to get their money back if they are not satisfied with a product.

Money-back guarantees are a powerful way of encouraging customers to buy from your website.

14. Use an Upsell

Upsells are a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

Upsells are products that are offered to customers after they buy a product.

Upsells are a powerful way of encouraging customers to buy from your website.

16. Use a One-time Offer

One-time offers are a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

One-time offers are products that are offered to customers for a limited time.

One-time offers are a powerful way of encouraging customers to buy from your website.

17. Use a Discount Code

Discount codes are a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

Discount codes are codes that are used to get discounts on products.

Discount codes are a powerful way of encouraging customers to buy from your website.

18 Use a Product Bundle

Product bundles are a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

Product bundles are products that are sold together at a discount.

Product bundles are a powerful way of encouraging customers to buy from your website.

19. Use a Free Shipping Offer

Free shipping offers are a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

Free shipping offers give customers a way to get free shipping on their orders.

Free shipping offers are a powerful way of encouraging customers to buy from your website.

20. Use a Customer Loyalty Program

Customer loyalty programs are a powerful way of encouraging customers to convert.

Customer loyalty programs give customers a way to get rewards for their loyalty.

Customer loyalty programs are a powerful way of encouraging customers to buy from your website.

Build a product landing page Final Thought

Dear Build a product landing page,

We are sorry for your loss. We know that you invested a lot of time and effort into your product and that it is hard to see it fail. We want you to know that you are not alone and that we are here for you. We will help you through this difficult time and we will support you as you rebuild your product.

.Meet with Best platform to create a landing page

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